Клиентский JavaScript. Справочник



Отображаются символы из различных мест строки "Brave new world":

var anyString="Brave new world"document.writeln("The character at index 0 is " + anyString.charAt(0))
document.writeln("The character at index 1 is " + anyString.charAt(1))
document.writeln("The character at index 2 is " + anyString.charAt(2))
document.writeln("The character at index 3 is " + anyString.charAt(3))
document.writeln("The character at index 4 is " + anyString.charAt(4))

На выходе будет:

The character at index 0 is B
The character at index 1 is r
The character at index 2 is a
The character at index 3 is v
The character at index 4 is e

Содержание раздела